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Regular Giving

Make an ongoing impact on the lives of WA’s sick or injured kids.

Every year hundreds of WA families are forced to leave their home – their regional communities – to travel to Perth to seek medical treatment for their sick or injured child. Monthly donations help provide these families with a warm bed, home-cooked meals, and a comforting community of support. Your monthly support sends a powerful message to families that you are with them every step of their journey.

Why We Need You

As demand for our support services continues to grow, we need your support to ensure that no WA family is turned away from the care they require. With limited spaces in our Ronald McDonald Houses, we’re currently sourcing alternative accommodation to support up to 30 WA families per month in nearby accommodation to Perth Children’s Hospital. We want to ensure every family who requires, has a place to call home for as long as they need.

Your support also ensures that these families can have access to wraparound support services to manage life with family illness, such as support staff to lean on, family spaces within the hospital to relax and play, and tailored learning to support children with their education.

How You Can Give

Becoming part of the RMHC WA Regular Giving family, means you recognise the importance of helping fellow Western Australians in their time of need. Your ongoing donations ensure the long term sustainability of the services we provide, and you can sleep well knowing you’ve provided the funds to ensure that close to the hospital, another WA family can sleep well close to their child’s bedside.

Case Study

Photo of the Fitzgerald Family

In the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia, 700kms away from Perth is Esperance. It’s here that Amelia, Rory and Matilda (5.5 months) call home.

Little Matilda was born early at 35 weeks with severe growth restriction. One day before Matilda was born, her parents Amelia and Rory, learned that she had a large hole in her small heart.

Ronald McDonald House Charities Western Australia (RMHC WA) provided the family with supported accommodation at the Ronald McDonald House within PCH. Amelia says, “we were grateful to be provided with a room on level 5 while Matilda spent time in NICU, as it allowed us to be very close to her while she was in hospital.”

Our Impact, thanks to donors like you

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Families supported at Ronald McDonald Houses in WA

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Nights of supported accommodation provided to WA families

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Hours of volunteer service provided by West Australians

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Hours of tutoring provided to young WA patients and their siblings in the Ronald McDonald Learning Program

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Visits to our Ronald McDonald Family Rooms

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Nights of respite provided at Family Retreats in Busselton, Bunbury and Mandurah

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Acknowledgement of Country

Ronald McDonald House Charities WA acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation.  We pay our respects to Elders, past and present for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.  We recognise their enduring and continuing connection to the sky, lands, waters, and culture of this land.